All about Small Business Saturday

Today is Small Business Saturday! Here are a few things to think about while you consider where you may send your support:

  • Started by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday has been promoted as a way to remind holiday shoppers to visit and support local, independent retailers 
  • Most independent businesses, like Priscilla Jewelry, are run by just a handful of employees that are likely to have more hands-on experience in the trade and market than big-box or chain corporations with many layers of employees that likely are not expert jewelers 
  • No insane upcharge to pay for a board of trustees or a band of CEOs, like chain establishments
  • Family-owned local businesses are much more likely to support your community through local charities, participation in fundraisers, and investment in the overall growth of the surrounding neighborhood -- and are definitely more likely to provide a more individualized approach to working with you (like knowing your name and delivering to your door on holidays)
  • To run an independent business takes a lot of courage, expertise, and love: you need to be better at your craft to be competitive against those with millions of dollars in ads, without compromising your values! 
  • Support your local coffee shop, grocer, garden, clothing retailer, and jeweler this holiday season! 

Always thankful for your support. Enjoy Small Business Saturday!

Talk soon,


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